Wednesday, August 24, 2011

a BIG difference!

WOW! What a week! So from the last post it's been a whirlwind but I think things may finally be settling down for us here at the marks 5 weeks 3 days that Bruce has been admitted for the meningitis and the complications that came with it. Which is exactly how long he was in the NICU! The kid just turned 3 months old on Saturday and he's already spent 11 weeks so far of his life as a patient of Children'$ Mercy...

Here are things he has no clue about in the big wide world: fresh air, clothes, his Gus dog, days without doctors poking and prodding, cows, and quiet nights without nurses holding him. The list goes on. It's going to be a reality check for him when he hit northern Harrison county and it's quiet...John's going to leave for the ranch and Bruce will take one look at me and decide this party doesn't have enough people and I should call some friends over. He prefers the blondes but has settled for brunettes.

The night before Bruce was due to get the brain shunt, he spiked a mysterious fever so it was postponed. He was pretty miserable from the pressure in his head and something had to be done so his neurosurgeon took out 26 ml from his left ventricle and rescheduled the shunt for this week...the next day, the pressure increased again and more fluid had to come out. This was Saturday and the on-call neuro came in....he walked through our door in his street clothes and looked like he just came from his kids soccer matches. Momma didn't panic too much. About 15 minutes later, our regular neuro called in and asked to speak with us. He said he was booking the operating room for the very next morning for Bruce's shunt because it couldn't wait any longer. As miserable as the little man was, John and I were glad to be getting this surgery so he would just feel better. I was missing my baby.

Sunday morning came and the surgery went great. It was eerily quiet in the recovery room while we waited for the show to get on the road but nice for all the extra attention Bruce was getting from the nurses and doctors. The shunt was placed under the skin on the left topside of his head and the catheter was routed on the inside behind his ear down to his belly. Kinda crazy looking but it has done wonders for his mood and he's like a brand new baby without the pressure. It's something we'll always have to keep an eye on and be cautious of when he's playing and growing but it will give him some wicked awesome stories for the playground one day.

Recovery has been great and no signs of complications from the surgery. His feedings haven't been great so that is a concern and just about the only thing hindering our 'escaping KC' plans...Physical therapy has suggested acid reflux so we're going to try antacids and hope that's all it is. Other than having some spells when he's fussy and not eating, Bruce is smiling and laughing and melting momma's (and all the nurses and female doctors) heart. His eye movements are much better and he's still kicking like a ninja. His neck is getting stronger but it'll be a while before he's sitting on his own but it's ok; we love the HAPPY BABY!!!

P.S. I have a TON of pictures to share but I can't get them off my camera onto this computer so I'll put a slideshow one day of all the hospital craziness and his way too cuteness! (Thanks Millie for letting me steal these!)

1 comment:

  1. It was so wonderful to see him smiling and talking to you! Love you all...Auntie Bec
